Thursday, October 11, 2007


Okay, I've been slacking on the nature side of the picture portion, and man do I have good ones now!
These are in no order at all, and therefore the titles (which few of them have) Will be found nowhere execpt on, and only 6 of my photos are on there yet (they only allow you to upload one a day). Just search for celticsoul, you'll find me. Enjoy the view!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Albi The Racist Dragon

I wasn't recommended to any other things by these guys, but this one is good. It's Puff The Magic Dragon all over again!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
What Fantasy Archetype are you?
Your Result: The Hero

You are the ultimate defender of justice, freedom, and purity. The hordes of evil quail before you. Nothing can stand in your way due to your combat skills, keen intellect, gorgeous looks, and sheer luck. Plus, you usually end up happily wed.

The Damsel in Distress
The Hapless Extra
The Mentor
The Prime Evil
What Fantasy Archetype are you?
Take More Quizzes
You scored as Mysterious, You wish to hide who you are from all those around you. You find it very hard to trust people. You also may enjoy the fun that comes from playing mind games with others around you.My advice Get out there and reveal the true you if only to one person!



Eyes full of Pain




Diamond Eyes




What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)Updated
created with

Car Wash and School!

Okay, I got a little happy with my camera last Friday before the game. Molly didn't want her picture taken but I took it anyway. Then she wouldn't talk to me for the rest of lunch. The lamp above seemed interested in posing so I got him instead.

Isn't he ADORABLE!!!!!!

Isn't he CUTE!!!!!!

So, then Saturday the band had a car wash. Well, to be correct the band Boosters had a car wash, but we did all the work and we were raising money for our own cause so we should get the credit anyhow. I had no clue which station was the the one I was really supposed to be at when I got there, and I didn't even look at the names of the people I would be with when i switched shifts, so I ended up with some pretty okay people. Alex Howard talked a whole ton, and he likes hugging people more than I do. Even more than Jordan Tanguay. Wow.
I felt kind of funny wearing my dad's sweatshirt, which went down to my knees and my arms got clammy after it got wet, and that felt pretty weird. After we finished I brought out my camera once again for the memories.

Kenny Krueger, the biggest goof I know. I'm still not over his whole joke on Latin in seventh grade. (apparently the plural of circus would be circi. 'And that's how you speak Latinus.') I wouldn't take a picture of his butt, so I got his face. Cute smile. :)

Ah, Melody. I met her at a birthday party about 2 years ago. I could swear her face is cuter than Hello Kitty herself.

Me and Melody. Aren't we cute! My eyes look extra bright, and more blue than gray in that picture. Lately I've had trouble deciding which color they are. Melody can take a self portrait way better than I can. I guess I like pics of nature too much.

Funny face!!!!
There it is. Living proof that the Scrunch-Faced Puckered Fairy exists! HAHA! I found it!!!!

Marissa's older brother. Marissa is only my best friend from school. Well, I guess, one of them, but she's the one I see most often during the day. I wish I could see all the rest. Belle, Ryann, Karoline, Danielle. Oh well.

And here you have it: The Ultimately Famous G!
Mr. Grabowski the band dirctor himself ladies and gentleman. He does not like candid pictures of himself, as it appears. If he does, I just caught him in a bad picture.

Well, that's all for tonight folks, enjoy the rest of your day!