Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Okay, I think I can give you guys some pictures now!!

So, now that everyone is away from the computer and my homework is done, I can finally give you all some visual of my life from the past few months. Now, I'll have to say, I haven't been taking too many pictures because I'm still not used to the one gig memory card my dad gave me, and even though I can take almost 1000 pictures now, I still have the feeling that after 20 I'm running out of room. But this is too much typing--don't I give you enough to read already?

This is the lovely random artwork of someone in one of Mr. Palmiter's world geography class. I decided it was an owl, but everyone else felt like calling it the Palmitizer in honor of Mr. Palmiter. The Palmitizer didn't last too long.

Actually, this picture came from Christmas. All my family was over and we were enjoying making gingerbread men. I thought it would be fun to make the gingerbread man from Shrek, especially the scene where the guards are pointing weapons at him and he has a sorry accident. I got my sisters to hold out the knives.

You've already met Melody, my Hello Kitty Homey. There was a band festival (unless I forgot that this was during the choir festival) so this was taken while the band class was waiting for it all to be over.

This is the amazing Colby!! The most interesting piccolo player you'll ever meet.

And this is Ryann! I haven't introduced you all to the awesome Ryann yet, have I? She my soul clarinet sister, and the greatest dancer I know! I'll say that I didn't take a good enough picture of her, but if I'd had a better camera, she'd be smiling bigger.

Taylor Berry, or Blueberry, is the drama queen. I hope she got the hat I stole back to the kid I stole it from.

Trumpet for life! That's how Marissa rolls. It's a shame she doesn't like her picture taken that often, because she always looks awesome, if not unique.

I actually took this picture while babysitting the most awesome kids in the world. Really, how many five year olds do you know that own such an ubersweet hat? And it even made me look good in my own picture! Trust me, that is very rare.

Alright, I'd say that's a good wrap for now. But never fear! I'll get back to my world soon (once school is out) and the imagination will run so free it won't even feel the pants on it (I can't have imagination streaking now)! So, until next time, so long!

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